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SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics

Table of Contents
Volume 65, Issue 5, pp. 1463-1837

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Current-Voltage Relations for Electrochemical Thin Films

Martin Z. Bazant, Kevin T. Chu, and B. J. Bayly

pp. 1463-1484

Electrochemical Thin Films at and above the Classical Limiting Current

Kevin T. Chu and Martin Z. Bazant

pp. 1485-1505

Three-Dimensional Probability Density Functions via Tomographic Inversion

Jules S. Jaffe

pp. 1506-1525

Multiple Equilibria in Complex Chemical Reaction Networks: I. The Injectivity Property

Gheorghe Craciun and Martin Feinberg

pp. 1526-1546

An Analysis of Higher Order Boundary Conditions for the Wave Equation

Julien Diaz and Patrick Joly

pp. 1547-1575

Structural Bifurcation of 2-D Nondivergent Flows with Dirichlet Boundary Conditions: Applications to Boundary-Layer Separation

Michael Ghil, Tian Ma, and Shouhong Wang

pp. 1576-1596

An Age-Structured Epidemic Model in a Patchy Environment

Wendi Wang and Xiao-Qiang Zhao

pp. 1597-1614

A Maximum Principle for Beltrami Color Flow

Lorina Dascal and Nir A. Sochen

pp. 1615-1632

Problems of Stationary Flow of Electrorheological Fluids in a Cylindrical Coordinate System

R. H. W. Hoppe, W. G. Litvinov, and T. Rahman

pp. 1633-1656

Diffusion Approximation for Linear Transport with Multiplying Boundary Conditions

V. Protopopescu and L. Thevenot

pp. 1657-1676

Regularization by Kinetic Undercooling of Blow-up in the Ill-posed Stefan Problem

J. R. King and J. D. Evans

pp. 1677-1707

Weakly Nonlinear and Numerical Analyses of Dynamics in a Solid Combustion Model

L. K. Gross and J. Yu

pp. 1708-1725

Néel Walls in Low Anisotropy Symmetric Double Layers

Carlos J. Garcia-Cervera

pp. 1726-1747

Effects of Sog on Dpp-Receptor Binding

Yuan Lou, Qing Nie, and Frederic Y. M. Wan

pp. 1748-1771

Asymptotic Behavior of Internal Rossby Waves with a Sharp Density Interface

A. Ouahsine and P. A. Bois

pp. 1772-1793

Bifurcation Analysis of an SIRS Epidemic Model with Generalized Incidence

M. E. Alexander and S. M. Moghadas

pp. 1794-1816

Aspects of Total Variation Regularized L1 Function Approximation

Tony F. Chan and Selim Esedoglu

pp. 1817-1837